Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Resolve......Not To Resolve!

Just a few days ago, the New Year was rung in and I heard several people making their resolutions.  I heard, "When the holidays are over, I'm going on a diet to loose these pounds before summer."  OR "My resolution is to start exercising three times a week."  Even I have been guilty of not only thinking the same things.....but, saying them out loud.  I heard on the news last night that the number one New Years Resolution in America is to lose weight.  Start exercising came in second and quit smoking came in third followed by getting out of debt as the fourth.

Through the years, I have made some resolutions and always failed within a couple of weeks.....sometimes within a couple of days.  So, this year I am not going to make any kind of New Year's resolution, because by the end of the year I will not have lost those pounds....I might of actually gained a few!  And my exercise routine of walking from my car to my office five days a week does not really qualify as a legitimate exercise program.  :)

New Years resolutions are sort of a tradition for the beginning of each new year......just like dropping the ball on Times Square is a tradition.  But, I'm afraid that my resolutions last about as long as it takes the ball to drop sometimes.  Then, it all becomes a well meant and good intention.  

Sooo I am sticking to the commitment that I am no longer going to make a New Years Resolution........oh no!......Did I just make a resolution?  Oh well, no time to ponder that one.  So for now, I will take one day at a time and trust God to supply all my needs.  

Would you like to resolve not to resolve with me?  :)  LOL 

1 comment:

  1. Great to have you back. I pretty much decided not to resolve either. A day on the calendar is a concept not a real thing. So I shouldn't strive to do better on one day of the year anymore than any other day of the year.
