Through the years, I have made some resolutions and always failed within a couple of weeks.....sometimes within a couple of days. So, this year I am not going to make any kind of New Year's resolution, because by the end of the year I will not have lost those pounds....I might of actually gained a few! And my exercise routine of walking from my car to my office five days a week does not really qualify as a legitimate exercise program. :)
New Years resolutions are sort of a tradition for the beginning of each new year......just like dropping the ball on Times Square is a tradition. But, I'm afraid that my resolutions last about as long as it takes the ball to drop sometimes. Then, it all becomes a well meant and good intention.
Sooo I am sticking to the commitment that I am no longer going to make a New Years Resolution........oh no!......Did I just make a resolution? Oh well, no time to ponder that one. So for now, I will take one day at a time and trust God to supply all my needs.
Great to have you back. I pretty much decided not to resolve either. A day on the calendar is a concept not a real thing. So I shouldn't strive to do better on one day of the year anymore than any other day of the year.